
Consult our last communiqué on the importance of responsible conduct of research in pandemic time

The responsible conduct of research, which includes the respect for standards and rules of research integrity and research ethics, refers to the conduct expected of the various actors carrying out research activities or activities in support of research. This conduct is based on values recognized by the international community, such as honesty, reliability, rigour, accountability and transparency.

With their Policy for the responsible conduct of research, the Fonds de recherche du Québec (FRQ) contribute to sending out an international message of pledge to the responsible conduct of research.

The Policy sets out best practices, describes the responsibilities of each actor and clearly defines breaches of responsible conduct of research, which include breaches of research integrity. In addition, it dictates the parameters that must be respected by institutions in managing breaches of responsible conduct of research and when relaying information to the FRQ. It also provides parameters for the management of breaches of responsible conduct of research by the FRQ, including the establishment of a responsible conduct of research committee within the FRQ.

On this page you will find various resources and requirements related to the Policy.

The Policy : an overview

Written to the attention of students, researchers and institutions benefiting from FRQ funding, the Policy for the responsible conduct of research describes the fundamental elements of the responsible conduct of research in respect to the highest standards in ethics and integrity. The Policy also presents what constitute potential breaches to this conduct and specifies the minimal requirements regarding the management of allegations of breach to the responsible conduct of research when provincial funds are involved. In this way, it echoes the policy of the Federal funding agencies which applies when federal funds are involved: The Tri-Agency Framework: Responsible Conduct of Research.

The FRQ Policy for the responsible conduct of research came into effect September 1st 2015.

At the same time, the FRQ adopted their own internal rules defining the procedures for applying the Policy for the responsible Conduct of Research in the context of the internal activities of the Fonds. Pursuant to the Policy, a Responsible Conduct of Research Committee (RCRC) has been set up by the FRQ.

The FRQ Responsible Conduct of Research Committee

The FRQ are setting up a Responsible Conduct of Research Committee (RCRC), a permanent committee made up of independent members from the Fonds. The committee’s mandate is to:

  • monitor the Policy’s progress and implementation within institutions and the Fonds and any challenges arising therefrom, and relay this information to the scientific Directors of the Fonds;
  • bring forward recommendations on the further development of the Policy, where applicable;
  • review reports of substantiated breaches of responsible conduct and make recommendations on the actions required by the scientific Directors of the Fonds involved;
  • examine admissible allegations tied to the internal activities of the Fonds, and make recommendations to the scientific Directors of the Fonds involved;
  • report on their activities annually to the Board of Directors of the Fonds.
Forms (allegation management process)


Find here various resources related to the responsible conduct of research.


Dernière mise à jour : 14 mai 2021

Depuis l’adoption de la Politique en septembre 2014, les Fonds multiplient les efforts pour faire connaitre la Politique et les pratiques exemplaires de la conduite responsable en recherche auprès des différents acteurs de la recherche au Québec. Cette approche de promotion d’une culture de la conduite responsable en recherche constitue l’objectif premier de la Politique.

L’entrée en vigueur de la Politique s’est faite de façon progressive afin de permettre aux établissements, qui gèrent ou qui sont fiduciaires de financement des Fonds, de franchir les diverses étapes de mise en place d’une politique et des processus de gestion de la conduite responsable en recherche conformes à la Politique. Les Fonds ont accompagné les établissements dans ce processus et continuent de développer un lien de confiance avec les personnes désignées comme chargées de la conduite responsable en recherche.

Ainsi, la majorité des établissements universitaires et du collégial ont pris l’engagement de respecter la Politique des FRQ dès septembre 2015. En vertu de la Politique, ces établissements ont dû, dès lors, communiquer aux FRQ les informations concernant les dossiers de conduite responsable en recherche dont ils ont été saisis. Quant aux établissements du réseau de la santé et des services sociaux (CIUSSS et centres de recherche), ils ont eu jusqu’au 31 mars 2017 pour prendre cet engagement.

Compte tenu de cette démarche progressive, le nombre d’établissements devant communiquer aux FRQ des informations concernant les dossiers de conduite responsable en recherche a augmenté graduellement depuis 2014.

Statistiques à venir.