Competition year :
Deadline (pre-request) :
March 11th, 2019 at 09:00 (EST)
Deadline (application) :
June 27th, 2019 at 09:00 (EST)
Announcement of results :
November 2019
Amount :
Maximum of $ 225 000 CAD per Quebec team
Duration :
3 years
The ERA-NET NEURON network, in which the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé (FRQS) is a partner, is launching a joint transnational call for proposals to support research in the field of neuroscience.
Submitted projects must propose innovative research programs, highlighting the added value gained from the collaboration of multinational scientific research teams; Research projects that address unmet medical need for valid and reliable biomarkers for the diagnosis, patient stratification, prognosis, monitoring and prediction of treatment response and side effects in neurological and psychiatric diseases.
Fundamental research addressing the discovery and validation of biomarkers to be used as bio signatures of the pathophysiology associated to specific neurological and psychiatric diseases.
Clinical research on clinically relevant biomarkers for the diagnosis, patient stratification, prognosis or monitoring or prediction of treatment response and side effects for specific neurological and psychiatric diseases.
Excluded from this call are research projects focused on:
Development of new technologies, unless appropriately justified by the absence of an alternative validated technology;
Development of new animal or cell models (Animal models or cell models used in the project should already be established and validated);
Research on neurodegenerative disorders that are addressed by the EU Joint Programme – Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND).
The ERA-NET NEURON seeks to strengthen patient engagement in research. Applicants are expected to include patients, where appropriate, in their research process. Meaningful patient engagement can occur at the level of research planning, conducting research or research result dissemination. Patient representatives will participate in the review of selected proposals and provide feedback on patient engagement aspects.
For detailed information about this call: ERA-NET NEURON website