Competition year :
Deadline (pre-request) :
March 7th, 2019 at 11:00 (EST)
Deadline (application) :
June 17th, 2019 at 11:00 (EST)
Announcement of results :
December 2019
Amount :
Maximum of $ 450,000 CAD per Quebec team
Duration :
3 years
The ERA-NET ERAPerMed network, in which the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé (FRQS) is a partner, is launching a joint transnational call for proposals to support research in the field of personalized medicine.
The overall objectives of the ERAPerMed call are:
to support translational research projects in the field of Personalized Medicine;
to encourage and enable interdisciplinary, in combining pre-clinical and/or clinical research with computational components and;
to encourage collaboration between academia (research teams from universities, higher education institutions, public research performing institutions), clinical/public health research (research teams from hospital/ public health institutions, healthcare settings and other healthcare organisations) and private partners e.g. SMEs (Small and Medium-size Enterprises).
Proposals must be interdisciplinary and clearly demonstrate the potential impact in Personalised Medicine as well as the added value of transnational collaboration. Each project proposal needs to tackle the two major research areas:
The Research Area 1: Validation, pre-clinical and clinical biomedical research – Translating Basic to Clinical Research and Beyond
Module 1A: Pre-clinical Research and/or Module 1B: Clinical Research from Research Area 1.
The Research Area 2: Data analysis, management and protection – Integrating Big Data and ICT Solutions
Module 2A: Data and ICT – Enabling Technology and/or Module 2B: Data and ICT – Towards application in health care.
The Research Area 3: Research towards Responsible Implementation in Health Care
Module 3A: Optimising Health Care System and/or Module 3B: Ethical, Legal and social aspects in Health Care
FRQS will support Quebec research proposals addressing Modules 1B, 2A, 2B and 3A, 3B only (not Module 1A).
For detailed information about this call: ERA-NET ERAPerMed website